Instant Article Wizard 2.0, a new article writing tool has emerged on the internet marketing scene. With the new Instant Article Wizard 2.0, the improved version, we will take a look at what are the capabilities and how does it measure against the first generation Article Wizard.
Instant Article Wizard 2.0 Vs Instant Article Wizard
By Davion Wong
Instant Article Wizard 2.0, a new article writing tool has emerged on the internet marketing scene. This article tool has taken the whole internet marketing scene or for that matter, the article marketing world by storm. Instant Article Wizard, the original brainchild of Jonathan Leger and the first version was developed as a article research tool to retrieve information from the search engine for the preparation content for article writing. With the new Instant Article Wizard 2.0, the improved version, we will take a look at what are the capabilities and how does it measure against the first generation Article Wizard.
Instant Article Wizard 2.0 originated from its first version which is a simple article tool that scrapes content from search engine that is relevant to the keywords you are targeting in your article. By filling a few fields with the main and secondary keywords, it would go hunting the internet for sentences containing the keywords. There are several text fields categorized into article introduction, conclusion and subtopics. With this nifty tool, you can nicely slip in the sentences into the introduction, article body and conclusion. So in a matter of minutes, you would have whipped up an article using Instant Article Wizard. This alone is powerful but compared to the new functions Instant Article Wizard 2.0 comes with, it simply pales away.
There are a few features that make Instant Article Wizard 2.0 stand out as one of the best article writing and research tool any internet marketer would need. Now, instead of suggesting sub-topics or including secondary keywords, Instant Article Wizard 2.0 would scour the internet and give you a whole list of related keywords as well. This is great as the tool can come up with keywords that are so relevant but often missed by article marketers like us.
Since the source is from the search engines, these suggested keywords are also what the search engines see as relevant to your topic. And the twist here is it does not stop there. Accompanying each new keyword is a list of related sentences containing the keyword that you can click and drag into your article content box. These makes perfect spider food! These are features lacking in the first version which Instant Article Wizard 2.0 readily makes up for.
Instant Article Wizard 2.0 has other interesting features that make the old version look primitive. In the old Instant Article Wizard, article marketers and authors including myself would have noticed that the results returned for the keywords can be quite trashy at times. Pardon my language but it is true that a lot of times, for topics that are less researched, the sentences that the older version find are often advertisement headlines, or simple ad content. This kind of content is hardly valuable to readers! In the current internet marketing scene and context, niche marketing or article marketing in specific niches is the way to make real money. If the tool can only provide advertisement content for you, it is almost impossible for you to craft any powerful articles that offer excellent information and presell your readers. Instant Article Wizard 2.0 however, reversed all these by finding real, readable and useful content.
Instant Article Wizard 2.0 has other functions like content saving that is really a time saver, and an incredibly simple and user-friendly interface. The old version is a far cry from what the new tool can do. Compared to Instant Article Wizard, Instant Article Wizard 2.0 really dwarfs the old version.
To find out more about Instant Article Wizard 2.0 and watch how an article which you completely know nuts about, can be written within 8 minutes flat, visit my article writing website.
Davion is a successful webmaster and author who simply loves writing. Discover how you can instantly research and write an article within 8 minutes using Instant Article Wizard 2.0. And the wonderful thing is you do not need to know anything about the topic. Instant Article Wizard 2.0 does the job for you!
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