Monday, October 20, 2008

My next computer... MacBook, MacBook Pro or PC Laptop

Which computer to buy??

I desperately need a laptop computer to enable me to utilise the two hours a day I spend on the train going to and from work.

I have been struggling with the question of which computer to buy.

I have been examining the options and deciding between the various models of MacBook and MacBook Pro and also being tempted by the much cheaper proces of similar hardware in the PC world.

My problem is that I must be able to run several windows programs on whatever laptop that I eventually end up getting. So my line of thought goes something like this:
  1. My first preference is to buy a Mac laptop computer of some sort and find a way to run Windows on it. My preference for the variety of Windows is XP, just because it is so much less bloated and more reliable than Vista.
  2. Alternatively I will spend way less money and buy a PC laptop, and then I might try to find a way to install OS X on the PC.

The search goes on...

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