Monday, March 23, 2009

Article Writing Tips

Secrets of Putting Your 'Flow of Thought' Into Words

By Fabian Tan

When you are writing an article you must be sure of the subject that you are writing about. Choose whether you are writing as an observer with a view to critique or comment on the notion of a country's progress. Your thoughts should flow in a way that keeps the reader drawn to you.

1. Introducing the topic

This is the most important aspect when deciding how to write an article. Your introduction can be conversational, as in, "A little boy cleaning the wind-shield of my car...", to evoke a picture in the mind of the reader and retain interest. An alternative is to state comparative facts about the numbers below poverty line a few years ago and how they stand now. Let your introduction give the reader an idea of what to expect ahead, your feelings or an analysis of facts.

2. Talk about the present situation

When you think of how to write an article, consider the present. Are things looking better? Are many agencies at work? Talk about the initiatives that have been taken and how things are looking better. Efforts to bring the poor into the mainstream are successful in some areas while they fail elsewhere. Are social barriers or apathy coming in the way?

3. State your view

Consider the positives and negatives of the activities and gauge their impact to provide insight when you look for ideas on how to write an article. Conclude the article with your views and planned initiatives to overcome the flaws you have stated earlier.

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 59-page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your FREE copy now!

Also, quickly download his FREE "Explosive Traffic System" report that shows you how to generate 10,000+ unique visitors per month at no cost! =>

Article Source:

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What is "Bum Marketing"

Have you ever heard the term bum marketing and wondered what it is?

Bum Marketing is where you write articles and submit them to directories.

The articles are not just random articles but are based around products or websites that you are promoting. Each article of course has a link to the website of your primary offer for that offer and every time someone sees the article, follows the link and buys the product, the bum marketer makes money.

Information products are the most common types of products promoted in this manner. One key element in bum marketing is choosing a product that will pay off. is a great source of this type of products they pay commissions like clockwork every trwo weeks and have thousands of products to choose from. For more information about choosing products to promote see this article: How to choose the best affiliate products to promote.

Back to bum marketing the key is articles. The number of articles needed is not always definite, but aim for 10 to start with. If you can write and submit 10 in a day you will be well on your way to gaining visibility for product. See this article about how to find relevant keywords for a niche product.

The key is the relevance of the keywords and phrases that you brainstorm they will separate your article from all the rest. The types of articles that are written for bum marketing need to grab the attention of the visitors and persuade them to follow the links.

But even before you worry about the body of your article it is important to start with a catchy headline. A compelling headline will catch the browsing eye and drag the attention of the browsing reader to your article. See this article on creating compelling headlines.

It is important for those searching your product to be able to find it and so, bum marketing requires you to be on top of search engines. The more articles that are used, the greater the chance to be higher on the search engines. The best way to do this, is through the key words and phrases. Key words that are not used as often are most original and so, have little or no competition; these are the words that need to be used in a successful bum marketing business.

By writing many articles and paying attention to the key words, bum marketing is a fast and efficient way of making money online.

In his article -- Keys to Bum Marketing - Basic Fundamentals the author John S. Jones
gives a great introduction to what it is and an outline of how to do it.

Use Blogging to Earn Money With Adsense

(C) BrightMark 2009
By displaying Adsense ads on your blog you can earn a very good suppilmentary or even full time income by blogging.

A really simple way to earn extra income on the internet is by displaying adsense ads. Adsense is a program run by Google where you add little bits of code to your website or blog and Google will display ads relevant to the content of your blog.

There are a number of factors that can dramatically increase the amount of money you earn from your blogs. Here are four steps to earning more from your blogs:

  1. The first step is to Increase traffic to your blogs.
  2. The second step is to Use High Paying Keywords.
  3. Thirdly Get a High ranking for your blogs in search engines.
  4. Lastly and most importantly, Put it on Autopilot.
  5. Here are some Other Good earning tips

Following the tips above

Increase traffic to your blogs
This is the first step to earning money blogging. Write interesting content on topics that are in demand and optimize that content for keywords or phrases that are not highly targeted.

If you are a blogger you could achieve a good income from your blogs by adopting some of the tips provided at Blogging to the Bank. Blogging to the Bank provides various tested and proven methods of increasing traffic to your blogs. These step by step road map to increase the traffic to your blogs. The adsense provided at your blog and clicks to these adsense generates income for you.

Use High Paying Keywords
What is most important for you to generate a good income is that you write niche blogs based on high paying keywords. Blogging to the Bank specifically provides these keywords for you after a through study of the earning capabilities per unit click on google adsense. These keywords are sometimes generates more than fifty dollars for a single click.

Get a High Ranking in Search Engines
In addition to the traffic and high paying keywords, blogging to the bank focuses the various techniques through which you can list your blogs in search engine quickly and efficiently. With out paying a single penny, your blogs can find number one position in various search engines and which will further increase traffic to your blogs.

Put it on Autopilot
Blogging to the Bank also guides you to keep your business on autopilot that generates traffic as well as money. You need not have to look for the operation for too long, however a merely half an hour a day is sufficient to run the program.

Other Good Earning Tips
There you can find various tested methods to earn hundreds of dollars per day without having your own products or websites. You generate this amount by suitably opting from a large number of blogging websites. So, if you are capable to write blogs on high paying keywords and can follow the instructions as provided to you by Blogging to the Bank, you are going to earn more than hundred dollar a day.

Monday, March 16, 2009

How to Find Keywords for Writing Articles

Here is an interesting article on researching keywords for writing articles from EzineArticles.

It helps you organise your thinking by listing six steps that will yield good keywords.
So how do you go about it?

Here is a summary of the 6 easy steps:
  1. Brainstorm a list of logical terms and phrases
  2. Use free and low-cost tools available online and for download to allow you to expand and research terms 
  3. Examine your log files
  4. Visit competitors web sites and articles
  5. Use a thesaurus to find related terms
  6. Measure your success.

For advice on how to take a keyword or an idea and turn it into an article see these posts:

Below is a list of other articles on writing articles from


Turn your keywords into quality articles.

If you've ever struggled when faced with the need to write something, whether it be an article for publication or the copy for a website, then you will have faced the dreaded blank screen.

In this article Georganne from outlines some simple steps to help get you writing: How to Say Goodbye To Writer's Block

Here is an outline of the steps that Georganne proposes:
Step 1 You Are The Boss: If you are having a tough time with a certain part of your article, delete it and go in a different direction.

Replace it with something you feel better able to concentrate on.

Step2 Switch Things Up: If you can't write your introduction, write your conclusion!

Step3 Google It: Use a search engine to read what others have written on your topic. Don't copy them but do use their points to stimulate your own creativity.

Step4 Take A Walk: Get away from your computer and get a fresh perspective. Or, take your laptop outside and let the sun warm you up.

Step5Write About Anything. If you can't write on your topic, just write about anything that comes into your head. Write about how you have writer's block, write anything you can think of. Sometimes, just getting your fingers moving is enough to get your creative juices flowing.

Step6Whatever you decide to do, don't give up. Only those who give up have no chance to succeed. Sit back, relax and read some articles written by someone you admire. When you least expect it, the clouds will part and your writer's block will fade away.

To find more about Georganne go to this article.

I hope this helps if you are struggling to produce copy.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Great Advice on Streamline Your Writing Using Outline Tools

I read or listen to "Get it Done Guy" on a regular basis but this edition struck me as particularly useful: Get-It-Done Guy :: Streamline Your Writing Using Outline Tools - especially if you need to write and your issue is keeping a longer piece of writing coherent.

The quick and dirty tip is to use collapsible outlining tools like outliners and mind maps to view your logic at different depths.

If you've ever struggled with the structure of an article, sales letter or web site Even a book that you want to write, then this tip on writing coherently using outlining tools should give you a great insite into structuring your writing in an easy to understand and logical way.

This seemingly commonsense approach will often be overlooked by authors, especially those new to writing and can be a great help in organising your thoughts. I plan to put it into practice right away in my writing projects.

On another topic altogether, remember to check out my new blog Steps to Freedom to learn how to invest in real estate and grow wealth.

Until next time this is BrightMark.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My New Blog - Steps to Freedom

Lately I've been using this blog
think-act-do as a staging point for a lot of my initial information gathering for another site that I have been working on: Freedom Steps With Property Investing.

After much deliberation I've decided to split my efforts and return to using this blog (think-act-do) as a collection point for ideas that are generally useful.

I had originally started on this path and somewhere along the line I got my purposes crossed.

Any now I'm back on the straight and narrow, so to speak, and will try to keep the purposes clear here. I will periodically publish a summary of my posts on my other blogs and sites to keep you updated here.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Really interesting Widget from EzineArticles for displaying articles on any subject.

While I was perusing the Site Build It! (SBI!) forums this morninig I found this very interesting widget used on

It can be customised to show articles on a particular subject group or articles by your favourite author. Very handy indeed.

Here is another one showing recent articles by Fabian Tan, just to show you how versatile they are.

I'll be putting it to use in various places in the near future.


Debt Consolidation - Is Your Future Bright?

Most people have taken out plenty of loans and other forms of credit, from various sources over the years. These could include student loans, credit cards, store cards, a bank overdraft, car loan, goods bought on a buy now pay later basis. All of these sources of credit will have different terms depending on who you borrowed from and how much. One important factor with all these loans is that they will all have different rates.

Rates and APR

The rate you repay your loans at is vitally important. Many people underestimate the influence the APR will have on how much they repay for a loan; the difference can be astounding. The bottom line is that you want your interest rates to be as low as possible.

If you have many different loans and they are all at different rates, and some of the rates are very high, you may consider debt consolidation. This is taking out a new loan that will provide you with enough cash to pay back all your other loans. Then the only loan you have to worry about is the new debt consolidation loan. The main advantage of this is that you may be able to borrow the consolidating loan at an interest rate substantially lower than what youíre paying for your other loans. This will mean that all your monthly payments will be replaced by one reduced payment, thus saving you thousands.

Lift Those Weights!

Another advantage of debt consolidation is the stress it can take off your shoulders. It is sometimes very difficult to keep track of all your various payments, when theyíre due, how much theyíll be and whether or not youíll have enough to cover them. This may lead to you frequently missing payments and incurring further late fees. A debt consolidation loan will remove all this hassle, as you will now only have one loan to repay.

Words of Caution

The main drawback of a debt consolidation loan is that the new loan is likely to be secured over your home. While your other loans will likely have been on an unsecured basis, you will be making them secured over your home. If there is a chance that you will not be able to meet the repayments, then you are putting your home at risk. This is highly unadvisable. Unsecured creditors can ultimately make you bankrupt and take your home but the process is lengthy and can often be avoided. If the loan is secured there is a much greater risk that your home will be taken to pay off the loan.

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Monday, March 2, 2009

Debt consolidation - Can it really help those in debts?

Debt consolidation is the act and process of taking out one loan to pay off many other loans and bills like credit card bills or student loans.

The main aim of debt consolidation is to basically reduce the total amount of loan repayment through interest rate reduction.

Many debt consolidation companies, programs and services have argued the benefits and advantages of debt consolidation when one is in cycle of debts. But the question is:

Is debt consolidation really useful in helping people get out of their debt problems?
While I agree that debt consolidation can help debtors solve their debt problems, many debtors really have much difficulty to get out of their debt problems even after they consolidate their debts.

Why is that so??

Think about it - Most of these debt consolidators are in debt problems because they spend on credit and are used to spending more than they can afford to. As such, they eventually run into debts in the long run since they are always spending more than they earn every month.

After debt consolidation - these debt consolidators will have their credit card balance clear and a single monthly loan payment (with extended repayment period).

With a lighter loan repayment amount, most of these people will begin to relax and usually over spend on their monthly budget again in the near future.

By doing so, they will eventually run into debts again. Thus, it is not surprising to see many people who have had consolidate their debts before to run into debt problems again.

How does one get out of debts?

Debt consolidation is a tool to help debtors get out of debt problems. Unfortunately, many have used it to increase their debt problems as mention above.

The only surefire way to get out of debts is really to adjust your spending habit and commit to a discipline lifestyle. If you ask me, the get out of debt formula is really simple:

It ís either to earn more money or spent less money.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Debt Consoladation 101

You've probably heard that debt consolidation can help you get control of your money and reduce your overall debt. And you probably know that you can finance it yourself, without using a professional debt consolidation company. But is that the right move for you? That depends on your personal situation, but, in most cases, it's a smart choice if: you have equity in your home

Take Advantage of a High Credit Score

Having good credit has certain advantages. Aside from making it possible to get the best rate on mortgages and auto loans, persons with excellent credit may also qualify for a debt consolidation personal loan. Getting approved for a personal loan is difficult. For the most part, banks set the standards very high. To avoid the risk of losing money, many financial institutions only approve these loans to persons with credit scores above 720.

The Keys To A Good Debt Consolidation Loan

For a debt consolidation loan to work, you need to be paying a lower rate on your new loan. Another factor is that the payment schedule is for the same or shorter period as the original loans. And the final key is to not lose potential savings by paying excessive fees.

Questions To Ask Lenders

Rates are important, but so are fees. Make sure you ask lenders about their application and annual fees. Also ask if there are discounts for automatic payments with direct withdrawal.

Remember, you have the legal right to this information according to Federal loan. Make the most of it and get the information you need to make the right loan choice

Bill consolidations reduce the risk of late payments.

When you are carrying a lot of debt from several different sources, it is hard to always make the payments on time. Perhaps you run out of money in your budget, before you have paid each obligation or you just forget one bill in the stack of several that is due. Whatever the reason, making late payments hurts your credit and costs you lots of money in late fees and finance charges. By consolidating your bills you will only have to make one payment each month. This means you wonít accidentally be late on a payment or find you donít have the money left to make a payment that is due.

You can eliminate credit card debt through a consolidation loan.

Taking out a loan to consolidate your credit card debt can help you to get out from your debts. This option does require you to pay off your debts, but it gives you the tools to do so and over the long term, saves you money. TO qualify for a consolidation loan, you must put up some form of collateral, usually a house with equity, so you do run the risk of losing that collateral if you fail to make the loan payments.

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