Monday, March 16, 2009

Turn your keywords into quality articles.

If you've ever struggled when faced with the need to write something, whether it be an article for publication or the copy for a website, then you will have faced the dreaded blank screen.

In this article Georganne from outlines some simple steps to help get you writing: How to Say Goodbye To Writer's Block

Here is an outline of the steps that Georganne proposes:
Step 1 You Are The Boss: If you are having a tough time with a certain part of your article, delete it and go in a different direction.

Replace it with something you feel better able to concentrate on.

Step2 Switch Things Up: If you can't write your introduction, write your conclusion!

Step3 Google It: Use a search engine to read what others have written on your topic. Don't copy them but do use their points to stimulate your own creativity.

Step4 Take A Walk: Get away from your computer and get a fresh perspective. Or, take your laptop outside and let the sun warm you up.

Step5Write About Anything. If you can't write on your topic, just write about anything that comes into your head. Write about how you have writer's block, write anything you can think of. Sometimes, just getting your fingers moving is enough to get your creative juices flowing.

Step6Whatever you decide to do, don't give up. Only those who give up have no chance to succeed. Sit back, relax and read some articles written by someone you admire. When you least expect it, the clouds will part and your writer's block will fade away.

To find more about Georganne go to this article.

I hope this helps if you are struggling to produce copy.

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